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Tel: +33 (0)820 202 101

Wi-Fi for healthcare facilities

Offer your patients greater convenience with a secure dedicated Wi-Fi network

Wi-Fi enables your patients and residents to keep themselves entertained and informed. It has also become an essential way to stay in touch with friends and family. We offer you high-performance Wi-Fi that’s very easy to use, to ensure that the experience is the same that users get in their own homes.

For professional use, we set up a totally secure Wi-Fi network, completely separate from the patients-visitors network, that will support all your business applications throughout your facility and make your work easier.

In order to ensure fast Wi-Fi for all users at any time of day, intelligent management of the bandwidth is essential. Our R&D teams have perfected an algorithm that spreads the bandwidth between users according to their usage at any given time. Reading emails, video streaming, video calls… everyone can enjoy Wi-Fi with the right bandwidth according to their needs in real time. Our dynamic bandwidth management algorithm, developed by our own engineers, optimises the quality of the internet connection by 30%, making a huge difference.

Your budget should not be a constraint on the well-being of your patients. We offer you flexible, economical models, with or without investment. Our experts will assist you in setting up a solution that best responds to your challenges.

Accessible Wi-Fi for everyone

Above all, Wi-Fi must be very easy to use. We offer you an intuitive connection experience with the same convenience you’d find at home:

Your patients or visitors can connect to the available Wi-Fi network.

A personalised access portal that reflects your image loads automatically in the user’s language.

Using the method of your choosing with a free or paid offer: with just one click, via a form, PMS, or with a code, prepaid card or payment by bank card.

Your patients or residents enjoy seamless browsing throughout their stay and all over the facility, without having to log in a second time.

wifi patient hopital clinique

Planning a Wi-Fi project? Questions? Our experts are pleased to help

Tell us what you've got in mind and we'll be in touch as soon as we can

accès wifi patient hopital

Choose simplified management of Wi-Fi access rights

We will assist you in the sale of your paid Wi-Fi packages, with several levels of support to choose from.

Would you rather manage your Wi-Fi packages independently? With your online tool, you can open and close your patients’ access rights with a single click or generate connection codes with ease. It is linked to your room management tool and facilitates billing when the patient is discharged.

We also offer prepaid Wi-Fi cards, an online platform for payments by bank card, and a contact who can always be contacted by telephone for the management of packages.

No time to spare to deal with the sale of Wi-Fi packages? We can handle the entire Wi-Fi access process for you. There are several payment options: prepaid cards in a dedicated on-site shop, purchase of codes by phone from a dedicated contact, online payment by bank card, etc.

Whatever you choose, you can always monitor the Wi-Fi performance and use of the service by your patients and residents. Transparently.

Turnkey service

Because healthcare is your priority, we manage your solution from A to Z

Our Wi-Fi is much more than a simple installation, it’s the guarantee of a personalised turnkey service:
  • After an in-depth study, we create the right network infrastructure to ensure coverage of your entire facility, taking into account your obligations.
  • We can look after all your Internet and Wi-Fi needs, We offer you the Fibre or VDSL connection that’s most suitable for you.
  • We assist you in the sale of Wi-Fi packages via the model of your choosing, support only or complete management.
  • Our qualified in-house after-sales team are available 24/7. They use remote monitoring to manage your installation in real time or provide a rapid on-site service.

We believe that quality means having a real person to talk to. Your unique contact is always there for you to offer support in the long term.

Healthcare facilities already equipped with Wi-Fi

They trust us

Our healthcare Wi-Fi experts are available to discuss your needs and offer advice

Want to get your facility equipped with Wi-Fi?

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